Great thinking! Now let's apply it to Amerika Babylon. The evil Free Masonic/deist "Founding Fathers" concocted illegally in 1787 A.D. a weak, corrupt U.S. Constitution (1787 USC) based on BS man's instead of God's LAWS 12 of the 13 colonies lived by. The immoral 1787 USC has no baseline of moral behavior leaving it up to the states to play "bad cop". The 1787 USC is a formula for immoral economic exploitation of the North American continent just like Baal worship aka materialistic comfort during our short under 100 year life spans.

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The dispute between the Federalists / Anti-Federalists is the re-emergence of Judea against Israel

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Jan 22Liked by Creationist Front

NO, it's God's Laws vs. Man's Laws. Don't trivialize it as a BS tribalist wonk nerd "dispute". The current Amerika Babylon is emulating the pagan Israel Baal worship of materialism--that you importantly point out--which is a FATAL direction that must be stopped or we all are going to DIE. It's about NATIONAL DESTRUCTION not a mere "dispute". The 12 colonies ran by God's LAWS better than the Free Masonic BS from 1787 afterwards. Read Gary North's book, "Conspiracy in Philadelphia" for details.

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